Monday, May 27, 2013

How I Met My Husband

On Friday I met My Husband. Well actually I met him on Wednesday, but I took My Husband home with me on Friday when we met for the second time. Typically I'm not the type to bring a man home so quickly, but this was love at first sight. Before you start passing judgment about me, let me tell you the story...

It all started Wednesday afternoon at work- I got an email from a friend saying I should check out a certain FaceBook profile. We live as a plugged-in society, so Facebook "stalking" is quite the norm, I would say. I checked out the profile and instantly fell. With my thorough "research" skills, I figured out where he'd be and I took a chance and showed up to see if I could meet him. Luck would have it we met and I fell harder. On Friday I went to see him again and we hit off so I took him home.

Let me tell you a little about My Husband. He's very attentive and follows me all around the house. He doesn't like to leave my side. He loves walking through the neighborhood and seeing all the others out. He's very friendly and pretty much loves my friends as much as I do. My Husband is slightly fearful of the cats in the house. He's very handsome. He's also tall. My Husband sometimes drools a little but mainly when he's tired, hot, or really excited.

You see, My Husband probably isn't exactly who what you think he is. My Husband, who answers to Hubs,  is a very sweet one year old shepherd/great dane mix. He was, sadly, surrendered to a local shelter as the result of a divorce. In my opinion, their loss is my gain.

Meeting Hubs
He's going to be a handful!

And so begins this new chapter in my life and his. This is the life and stories of me, Staci and My Husband.

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